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MapQTL ® 7

Software for mapping quantitative trait loci in experimental populations of diploid species

Analyse your QTL experiments with powerful statistical methods. MapQTL is easy to use, is very fast and presents the analysis results in tables and adjustable charts. The results can be exported to MS-Windows ® text processing, presentation and spreadsheet software.


Enhancements introduced with version 7:

  • 64-Bit
  • Probabilities
  • Database
  • Parallelization
  • Traits scan
  • Epistasis
  • Pseudo-testcross
  • User interface
  • Charts
  • Miscellaneous

User interface

The most important improvements of the user interface concern the dealing with the phenotypic traits. Individual traits are not shown anymore in the Populations tree of the navigation panel. Instead, they are shown on the Traits tabsheet of the contents-and-results panel. The individual observations of the traits are shown on the new Traits data tabsheet. As soon as a population has one or more traits, then the population node in the Populations tree will have a traits node as child node. On the traits tabsheet each trait has its own row, which has several columns: one showing whether or not the trait is numerical and next three columns with a checkbox. The first checkbox must be used to select the trait for analysis, the second must be checked if the trait is to be used as a covariate in the analysis, and the last is for using the trait as experimental design cofactor. The three checkboxes are mutually exclusive. It is easy to set or clear the checkboxes of a range of rows in the table. First you should mark a range of rows using the F8 key, the space bar or right-clicking the mouse; the range will become highlighted. Next, setting or clearing any one checkbox in the range will set or clear all checkboxes in the range.

The Population tabsheet is removed in v7. Instead, hovering the mouse pointer over the nodes in the Populations tabsheet of the navigation panel will show a hint pop-up with the relevant information similar to that of the removed tabsheet. Also, right-clicking on the traits and genotypes nodes will show the information in a message box.

In MapQTL v7 traits can be removed from a population separately. For this you need to mark a range of rows in the Traits tabsheet and apply the Data menu function Remove marked traits. Adding traits can be done as before by loading a .qua file with observations, but it can also be done by pasting data that are copied from a spreadsheet with the Data menu function Paste traits. Whereas in v6 new loaded traits would always replace the existing set of traits, in v7 you also have the option to add the new traits to the existing set.